Wouldn’t it be nice if your pet could tell you if they don’t feel well?
Unfortunately, they can’t, which makes our jobs as your veterinary health team that much harder. Luckily there are tools like bloodwork to help us. Not only is bloodwork an important diagnostic tool when your pet is sick, but it is also a valuable component of their annual preventative exam.
Bloodwork can show information about your pet that your veterinarian cannot see or feel during the physical exam. We can discover important information about your pet such as how the liver and kidneys are functioning or if they have diabetes or thyroid disease.
When we identify these conditions early and start treatment early, we can treat or slow down the progression of the disease. This early detection leads to longer, happier lives for your pets.
In many cases, your pet may not show any outward signs of illness, but their bloodwork may show a different picture.
A recent study of more than 250,000 pets showed that: 1 in 7 adults, 1 in 5 seniors, and 2 in 5 Geriatric animals showed significant findings that required further follow-up.
Another advantage of Preventative bloodwork is providing a baseline for your pet. This helps your Vet monitor trends as they age.
Pets cannot talk so test results give your pets a voice.